We are studying the electrical and electrothermal dynamics of graphene in order to better understand this unique two-dimensional quantum systems, and also to explore potential high-frequency device applications. This work is in collaboration with Prof. Philip Kim (Columbia) and Prof. Xu Du (Stony Brook) and is supported by NSF-DMR and AFOSR.
Previous work used terahertz spectroscopy to probe the high frequency behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Recent Publications:
- “Graphene-based Bolometers,” X. Du, D.E. Prober, H. Vora, and C.B. McKitterick,arxiv:1308.4065 [cond-mat.mes-hall] (2013).
- “Prospective performance of graphene HEB for ultrasensitive detection of sub-mm radiation,” B.S. Karasik, C.B. McKitterick, and D.E. Prober, in submission (2013).
- “Graphene microbolometers with superconducting contacts for terahertz photon detection,” C.B. McKitterick, H. Vora, X. Du, B.S. Karasik, and D.E. Prober,arxiv:1307.5012 [cond-mat.mes-hall] (2013).
- “Performance of Graphene Thermal Photon Detectors,” C.B. McKitterick, D.E. Prober, and B.S. Karasik, Journal of Applied Physics 113 044512 (2013).
- “Terahertz detection mechanism and contact capacitance of individual metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes,” J.D. Chudow, D.F. Santavicca, C.B. McKitterick, D.E. Prober and P. Kim, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 163503 (2012).
- “Bolometric and nonbolometric radio frequency detection in a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube,” D.F. Santavicca, J.D. Chudow, D.E. Prober, M.S. Purewal and P. Kim, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 223503 (2011).
- “Energy loss of the electron system in individual single-walled carbon nanotubes,” D.F. Santavicca, J.D. Chudow, D.E. Prober, M.S. Purewal and P. Kim, Nano Lett.10, 4538 (2010).
Recent Talks:
- “High frequency properties of individual metallic carbon nanotubes,” an invited talk given by Daniel Santavicca at the 2012 APS March Meeting [slides]