Pictures of the Morning and Afternoon of the Event
Pictures of the Evening of the Event
Pictures of Applied Physics Department and APS Events
Pictures of Daniel Prober Lab and Mentors
Dan Prober Evening Talk (open access)
Program Daniel Prober’s 40 years at Yale University Celebration
Please click here to access the site with the presentations (password required)
9:40: Prof. Ken Segall, Colgate University
“Nonlinear and Neural dynamics in Josephson Arrays”
10:00: Dr. Elie Track, nVizix
“From superconductivity to seeing the light”
10:20: Dr. Dean Face, DuPont
“From Quantum Limited Detectors to High-Tc to Predictive Analytics”
11:10: Dr. George Ugras, Adams Capital Management
“Dinosaur on a skateboard”
11:30: Dr. Steve Klepper, Raytheon Company
“Raytheon Technology (and how I got here…)”
11:50: Dr. Peter Santhanam, IBM Research
“My years at Yale, and since then…” - pending approval of speaker
1:10: Prof. Venkat Chandrasekhar, Northwestern University
“Lord of the Rings”
1:30: Prof. Chris Wilson, University of Waterloo
“Exploring atomic physics with superconducting circuits”
1:50: Dr. Stephan Friedrich, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
“Above the gap”
2:30: Dr. Michael Rooks, Yale Institute for Nanoscience and Quantum Engineering
“The evolution of e-beam lithography”
2:50: Prof. Emeritus Robert Wheeler, Yale Engineering, Applied Physics & Physics
“The early days of low temperature Physics at Yale”
3:10: Prof. Michel Devoret, Yale Department of Applied Physics
“From mesoscopic devices to quantum information”
Evening Program:
** Dan Prober ** (open access)
Douglas Stone - You’ve been MUGGED at Yale Applied Physics
Werner Wolf
Nick Rizzo
Malcolm Beaseley
Michel Devoret
Steven Girvin - Letter from Yale President Peter Salovey
Rob Schoelkopf
Luigi Frunzio
Michael Rooks